Montage Wine Bar
Serving the finest wines, craft cocktails, and great times in Morris, Illinois.

A Very Long Tradition of Serving Excellent Wines and Spirits
Montage Wine Bar & Spirits specializes in unique, allocated wines from around the world. Our passion is wine and our goal is to get new wine drinkers as well as the wine connoisseur to step outside the normal Pinot Grigio & Merlot box.

Try your luck to WIN BIG on our Live Video Gaming Machines & enjoy our Green Room Special!

$15 Light Beer Buckets!
Choose from Coors Light, Miller Lite,
Bud Light, or Michelob Ultra!

Upcoming Events
Galentine’s Night at Montage!
Valentine’s at Montage
Alex Hoffer Acoustic
Terry Carter Acoustic
Jazz with Roy Backus & Friends
Terry Carter Acoustic
Terry Carter Acoustic
Willard Wilcox Acoustic
Jim Coleman Acoustic
Terry Carter Acoustic
Elegance. Defined
We offer wines from all around the world of all different grape varietals. At Montage you can find wines from Portugal, Uruguay, Italy, Argentina, Chile, Spain, South Africa, Australia, Germany, France, California, Oregon, Washington State, Columbia Valley, and many, many more locations! We also specialize in high end spirits and craft beer. There is a spirit out there for you and, as wine lovers, as connoisseurs, as believers in complexity, we will find the perfect compliment and fit in your world.
We have a cozy place where romance is just as important to me & my staff, as our wine selections. We want our place to feel like your place and we strive to make our customers feel like close family and friends. We offer private catered events with wine pairings, wine classes, wine events, wine by the glass, and most importantly an incredible monthly tasting program. Our dim lights, soft music, and fabulous selections of limited small batch wines are sure to keep you coming back and enjoying our place as if it were you own home. We believe in small business and we believe in remaining incredibly grateful to the people who keep us in business.
We have a very close relationship with our customers and every bottle of wine is picked based on their needs. Montage is a place where couples can find romance again, friends can laugh and enjoy much needed time together, and family can gather and share stories of their lives together. We love our business, and I love hearing the many stories of all whom share in my business. Wine is romantic, it is culture, and it is what we love.