Benefit for Sandy Lawrence

$20 per person at the door(cash or Venmo). Ticket includes 2 drink tickets(beer and specialty drink) and appetizers. 100% of the ticket price goes directly to the family for medical and living expenses. Raffle baskets and 50/50 will also be available!
Sandy has been a part of Team Tage and serving the community for a long time. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with cancer and will undergo treatment very soon, not knowing when she will be able to come back to work. She is a wife and a mother of two children that attend Morris Grade School. The path ahead is going to be challenging and she could use some prayers and support to focus on her health and alleviate any extra stress.
Please join us to show your support. If you can’t join and would like to donate to Sandy here is the link to her Venmo. All considerations, prayers and support is greatly appreciated 💗


Sep 09 2024


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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